The Rise of the Conscious Visionary

Rise of the Conscious Visonary


The Rise of the Conscious Visionary is a critical shift that supports the success of anyone seeking to generate the change they envision. In one of my last blog posts, I shared how important it is for visionaries to find a clearer pathway forward to bring their solutions to the world. I also noted that visionaries face unique personal dilemmas that can slow down their progress. That said, a visionary can overcome any difficulties as they raise their consciousness and become more rigorous in their approaches. In a nutshell, to more quickly realize one’s vision and overcome these dilemmas requires the rise of the conscious visionary from within you.

What does it mean to be a conscious visionary?

A conscious visionary is one who recognizes that they are the central mechanism that delivers their vision to the world. After all, it is the visionary who sees what others do not. Thus, to increase the likelihood of success, it is incumbent on the visionary to consider how they are both supporting or getting in the way of their vision turning into reality.

Conscious visionaries:

  • Are self-aware, realizing that the expansion of their awareness has direct implications for turning their visions into reality.
  • Fully engage a creative mindset by remaining steadfast in their focus on their vision.
  • Recognize that it is through relationships and collaboration that they will most powerfully forward their aspirations.
  • Always seek feedback, so that they can improve their capacity to take the most effective actions that close the gap between the current reality and what they envision.

These qualities come naturally to every human being when they become more self-aware. that said, what keeps us from engaging these birthrights?

The Primary Obstacle to Being a Conscious Visionary

The main block to being a conscious visionary is the tendency to overthink. Let me explain.

We each own the greatest supercomputer ever created, the brain. The brain is a real miracle, and it is through thoughts that we invent everything. That said, neuroscience is also showing that 95% of the time, we are operating on automatic pilot or from habit. Whether we engage habits that take us forward or that lock us into tendencies that do not serve us, we are creatures of habit. So, unless you become a conscious visionary, you are running the risk that personal habits will be the demise of what you most desire to manifest in the world.

One habit a visionary must examine is around how they deal with challenges and obstacles. This is because challenges and obstacles are most acute when we are presenting a new product or approach to the world that aims to solve a significant problem. In other words, facing challenges and obstacles are inherent in being a visionary. While it is natural to experience frustration when we face obstructions, when we let our reactions get the best of us, we can mute our forward progress. When a visionary faces such challenges, they can choose to embrace them as opportunities by further sharpening clarity around their vision and exploring how the apparent obstacle can serve them in forwarding their aspirations.

Becoming a Conscious Visionary

So how does one become more conscious? In short, it is all about expanding one’s self-awareness around:

  • Who they are and what state of mind most supports building the most significant momentum moving forward.
  • Their deeper natures that include how they react to people and circumstances that arise.
  • Their approach and kinds of actions they take day-to-day to manifest their vision.

Practically, this requires a visionary to:

  • Engage a daily practice that continually broadens their self-awareness.
  • Find a means for better understanding of their unique nature and approach.
  • Being honest about what is working and not working around their approach for turning their vision into reality.
  • Committing to leveraging habits that work and letting go of ones that no longer serve them.


Every visionary requires talent and resources to succeed. For the visionary executive, they must influence key executives, build a high-performing team and secure other resources to realize the transformation they envision. For the visionary entrepreneur, they must attract funding and talent as well as develop an organization around them that help them turn their vision into reality.

In order to garner these assets, a visionary must become more conscious of who they are and how they must BE, to most powerfully influence the change they wish to see in the world. Being more aware of our impact and developing habits that most support your vision is what Gandhi meant when he said: “Be the change you most want to see in the world.”

Indeed, being more conscious requires one to invest necessary time and effort, but the dividends paid for such an undertaking are priceless.

About the Author David Craig Utts

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